Rolling Course
We know how hard it is to learn to roll, which is why we have taken a unique and innovative approach. We run a one day rolling course that starts indoors doing some stretches and land exercises to get the neuromuscular system firing. We then progress to our unique rolling simulator, allowing you to get a feel for the body movements whilst still warm and dry! After that, there are choices: we might head to the local swimming pool for two hours, or straight in to the sea depending upon the options and the weather. We keep the class size small and provide focussed 1:1 coaching. There are a couple of video clips below to show the progression. We cannot promise to get you rolling in one day, but can certainly move you much closer. The course also works for those that have started to roll, or want to make it more effective. Get in touch to discuss you individual needs.
Indoor Rolling Machine
We start off indoors stretching and getting the movement patterns built in. We then practise in the dry on our unique simulator.
Swimming Pool
Ideally we will then head to the local pool for a couple of hours (if available). This allows for progressive learning, including overcoming and fear of being underwater. We take particular pride in helping anyone struggling with being underwater.
Sea Practise
If there is any energy left and the weather not too unkind, we finish the day with some practise in the sea itself, putting all the learning in to context.